Bromley Common: Holy Trinity

Get in touch

Rev Roger Bristow

Holy Trinity Vicarage
Church Lane

Roger Bristow
07778 397224
What's on

Family Communion Service

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Last Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Bromley Common: Holy Trinity
Church Lane / Bromley Common Bromley, BR2 8LB, United Kingdom

Our regular main service is a family friendly service of Holy Communion using the words from Common Worship and a mix of old and new hymns and worship songs. The feel of the service is relaxed formal (we're not sure quite what that means either!). We believe that we are warm, friendly and welcoming ... come along and see for yourself how true that is.
Twice a month our Sunday Club meets at the same time as this service (usually in the Church Rooms) with the children and leaders joining us in church in time for the communion itself.