No Mow May


At the time of writing, my house looks like a giant greenhouse. You see my husband loves to grow things from seed. He likes the initial tending of the growing shoots, dividing and putting them into bigger pots until they are ready to plant out. He has taken an old bookcase and covered it with clear plastic to provide a warm space to encourage germination, and each windowsill in the house seems to have something interesting growing on it.

However, he doesn't enjoy gardening and certainly he's not great at keeping things alive once planted out. That's where I come in. I do enjoy gardening, although I wouldn't claim to have the greenest of fingers. I like to potter about, do a bit of weeding and help things to flourish.

During May we are also encouraged not to mow our grass, encouraging biodiversity and allowing wild flowers to bloom, which provides a nectar feast for pollinators such as bees, butterflies and beetles. A break to the grass cutting routine can often create space for something new to flourish.

Between us, we generally get the garden to look fairly pretty during the warm summer months here in Alcester. Later in the summer holidays we will host our garden party once again so you can come and have a look for yourselves!

This is often a good picture for the church as well. Some of us are good at one job, others at another. Very few of us are gifted in a large range of jobs although a number of people take on more than they have capacity for.

Some of us have expertise in offering care and support, looking after our friends and neighbours. Others have practical skills and can get jobs done. Some offer excellent hospitality, some know just how to share stories about Jesus, and some are faithful in prayer for the needs of the world and our communities.

This last month we have held our APCM’s and celebrated all the things that have taken place over the past year, in our churches, enabled by so many people. We have offered our grateful thanks to the vast number of volunteers who keep our churches alive and open, and we have recognised the dedication of many as they serve in particular roles. The Apostle Paul in the Bible talks about the church working together much like a body, each with a different part to play to enable the whole body to function well. We are all essential and our Christian faith encourages us to take responsibility, not only for our own growth in faith, but also in the flourishing of the church and its mission to tell the world about Jesus.

So, as we enter the warmer weather and see our gardens begin to bloom with early summer colour, perhaps we can take stock of our own involvement in the church. Have we been planted in the right place? Are we helping others by using our gifts? Are we nourishing our own spiritual life so that we and the church continue to grow? Or do we need a season where we stop for a while to see what else might flourish?

If you are not sure, please drop me a line, I’m sure we can work it out together.

Rev Katie Cross