Prayers for Lois, prayer resources to take away, sharing your prayers with others, gentle re-ordering of furniture, giving in grace and more at Brindle St. James' church over the coming months

From_the_Vicar Church_news

In the first week of June, Christians around the world pray together for more people to come to know Jesus. He died for us so that every mistake might be forgiven. Ascension day is the day we worship His return to heaven to live with us forever

The recent glorious weather was a welcome factor through Holy Week and the Easter weekend. Over the coming weeks as we journey towards Ascension Day worship, we join in a global movement of prayer for Thy Kingdom Come.

For some, the events of that first Easter can leave a sense of uncertainty. In amongst the anxiety and uncertainty of our national and personal lives, may we 'Cling to the Old Rugged Cross' from which flows the absolute certainty of God's love for us