
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Getting here

St. Paul's Church is the parish church for Haswell. There is a service of Holy Communion on Sunday morning at 10:30am. Coffee is served after the service and you would be very welcome to join us!

On Wednesday afternoons from 9.30 to 11.30 there is a toddler and carer get together. This is to allow young, pre-school children to play together and for their carers to meet and socialize

We are a friendly and welcoming congregation who are seeking to live out our Christian faith in the wider community. If you would like to find out more about the Christian faith and/or the church, do get in touch.

St. Paul's is participating in the East Durham Mission Project - which is a group of 9 local parishes who are working together for God's hopeful future. You can find out more about the project here:

Church Street

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