Facilities and features


Currently, only temporary toilet available

No parking on site, but on-street parking usually available.

Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop

Some large print books are available - please ask.

Assistance Dogs

Our Building

The Church is grade 1 listed, and is in the top 100 Churches in Simon Jenkins 1000 best churches in England. The red brick exterior does not prepare the visitor for the interior. Come and see.

Music and Worship

We have a highest quality electronic organ, which many organists who normally refuse to play electronic organs, have been surprised at the quality.

We have a regular robed choir, at present small in number, but we are trying to build it up again. Our choirmaster and organist (music director we call him) is well known in choral circles, occasionally leading courses on various topics relating to choral singing.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Help for Visitors

Visits to the church can be requested in advance. At present we do not have a vicar, so members of the congregation have to meet visitors by arrangement (though come to Sunday Mass to appreciate the church being used for its intended purpose.

A free guide book is available (donations gratefully received)

At present, in the absence of a vicar, the church is only open for services and by special arrangement. We hope to be able to open the church at least once a week (more days if possible) principally for private prayer, but visitors wishing to look around the church will be welcome. Further details will appear on our website, as things progress.

Other Features

We have started a Fairtrade stall once a month for a trial period.

We are close to the Sefton Park conservation area, Liverpool's largest park which opened to the public in 1872.