About Us

St John’s is the Church of England Parish Church of Upper St Leonards (part of the deanery of Hastings) in the Diocese of Chichester.

There’s been a church here since 1865 - although this is our fourth building (finished in 1953).

Our inclusive style is 'open Catholic', so the Eucharist (or Mass) is central to what we do. Our main service is the 10.30 a.m. Parish Mass on Sunday mornings, when the church family gathers round the Lord’s table in obedience to Jesus’ command when he said “Do this in remembrance of me...” (Luke 22.19). We are one of the rare remaining churches that still has a robed choir that both leads our sung worship and strives to remind us of the greatness of English church music. 

We aim to be open and welcoming to all. We strive to take our environmental responsibility seriously and we’ve produced a green policy for St John’s. Our facilities include an amplification system, hearing loop, large print material, toilets and baby-changing facilities and wheelchair-friendly access.